Recent Airzone News and New Projects

Airzone has been retained to update air quality regulations for jurisdictions in Canada. This work includes updating of guidance documentation and dispersion modelling assessment tools.

Airzones CALA-accredited laboratory has renewed multiyear-contracts to provide analytical services for PAH, VOCs and RSCs for several major environmental air monitoring project. Our lab has also renewed multiyear-contracts with the Canadian government for analyzing VOCs based on air passive sampling and PAHs as well as maintaining the Arctic POPs network.

Airzone continues to work on a vapour intrusion project linked to the ex-Northstar facility in Cambridge (the largest problem of its kind in Canada) providing indoor air quality assessment services based on passive sampling (3M badges), focussing on the MOECC trichloroethylene (TCE) standard. Effluent sampling for TCE also continues as part of soil vapour extraction work.

Airzone also continues to assist manufacturers with ECA applications and Annual Emissions Reporting (NPRI and TRA planning), including kitchen cabinet, tool, mining tool, artificial brick and autoparts manufacturers, as well as chrome platers and waste processing facilities. For some clients we have initiated Maximum Concentration Level Assessments for substances with no Ministry standards.

We also continue to assist Municipalities and proponents in reviewing or conducting Land Use Compatibility Assessments required for re-zoning applications.

If you require assistance with similar projects, or have questions, contact:

Farida Dehghan Ph.D., P.Eng.

Senior Air Quality Modeller

fdehghan[at] 905-890-6957 ext. 110