NPRI Reporting Consultants

Due to COVID-19 the emissions reporting deadline for the 2020 reporting year has been extended from June 1st 2021 to September 30 2021.

Airzone has offered NPRI reporting consultations for many years, our consultants will ensure that your company reports on-time and without error. The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) program is administered by Environment Canada and requires that facilities report pollutant releases for over 300 substances annually, due on June 1st of every year. The program tracks releases to the air, water and land, in addition to waste disposals, transfers and recycling. The report is required of facilities that Manufacture, Process, or Otherwise (MPO) use one or more of the NPRI substances.

Listed below is the usual approach we take to reporting on behalf of clients (click each step for more information):

Step 1.
We determine which substances the facility manufactures, processes or uses that are on the NPRI Substance List (or acetone). This is done by using MSDSs and knowledge of the process.
Step 2.
The amounts of each NPRI substance from Step 1 are determined by assessing quantities of products used, recycled or disposed of at the facility in conjunction with production levels during the year.
Step 3.
If the amounts determined in Step 2 are below the reporting threshold, there is no requirement to report the substances.
Step 4.
Each substance that is determined to be over the reporting threshold is reported to Environment Canada using the Single Window Reporting System.
Step 5.
The facility is assessed for any other reporting requirements such as GHG Reporting or TRA.